Monday, October 8, 2007

Federal government declares a disaster for Eastern Oregon rangeland

The Argus Observer reported Oct. 8, 2007 that severe damage to area rangeland from wildfires and drought during the summer has resulted in a federal disaster declaration for five eastern Oregon counties.

Oregon congressman Greg Walden, R-Hood River, announced the US Department of Agriculture decision.

“Disaster declarations for these counties are an important piece of getting the federal assistance to those who need it most,” Walden said. “But there is still much work to be done for Eastern Oregon.”The U.S. Drought Monitor said conditions in Malheur County as severe. Rangeland grass losses ran as high as 50 percent in the county and pasture losses were up to 80 percent.

Other counties included in the declaration because of moderate to severe drought were Harney, Baker, Wallowa Walla and Union.

Follow our link to the newspaper web site for related details.

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